Monday, November 30, 2009
The obligiatory monthly post..
Today the most sweet boy in the entire world celebrated his 11 monthday! In honor of this great day, he decided to take a dunk in the tub and have his mommy rescue him. I like to think he was testing my reaction time and my ability to move at lightning speed. It was scary but he was wrapped in my arms safe and sound within seconds. I also tried to take him monthday picture and boy was that a task. See bottom of the post for the fun. Time for milestones!!! Just a few things our little boy can do: open cabinets and remove anything his little fingers can grip, says MaMa, cruises like nobody's business, climbs stairs, opens and closes doors, does not ride in strollers, carts, and cars, celebrated his first Thanksgiving, drinks one or two of his bottles out of sippy cups, claps, waves, screams like crazy man, and much more!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
First Thanksgiving!
We celebrated Thanksgiving a little early in our family. Everyone seemed to be going different directions on Thanksgiving day. No one was able to pass up sharing Parker's first Thanksgiving meal. Hosting Thanksgiving was a new experience for Mommy. Setting up tables, chairs, silverware, plates, serving utensils, and assisting in turkey baking is a lot of pressure. We cheated a little because the family members did all the cooking, all we had to do was set up and enjoy the company. Parker seemed to enjoy pushing his food around his tray, but I don't think he ate much.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Ten months already????
It is so hard to believe my baby is ten months old! Some days it seems Parker has been in my life forever and it is hard to remember my life without him. Other days it seems like yesterday I was pregnant, and patiently waiting for my impatient little man to join our family. He is one amazing little boy and makes both his Mommy and Daddy proud and happy on a daily basis. He continues to learn more "tricks"! He can climb up the stairs as if he had done it his whole life, cruises and climbs like a monkey man, walks with his push toys, unrolls toilet paper, opens drawers and cabients, removes items from drawers and cabients, throws his food on the floor, refuses to eat most anything except Cheerios (I am about to enroll him in Cheerios anonymous), and he sleeps like a champ. He had his two bottom teeth and two top incisors. Yes, you heard that right, NO top front teeth yet! I forgot to take the obilgiatory 10 month pictures with all the Halloween fun. I will have to take one this week.
Halloween Fun!
Parker celebrated his first Halloween this weekend. We dressed him up as a lobster, although sometimes I think a crab would have suited him better. We started celebrating on Friday by taking him to our neighborhood parade and trick or treat. He was up way past his bedtime but he seemed to enjoy it. On Saturday, we met our newborn baby friend Avery at Sarasota's First Annual Pumpkin Festival. It had to be about 90 degrees. Both Parker and I were dripping sweat when we got home. I even got a sunburn!!! We came home to take a quick nap and then headed to Grandpa and Grandma's house. Of course, we headed to a party! Fun was had by all and Pman feel asleep in my arms. The Lowe's hope you had Happy Halloween too!

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