Friday, March 4, 2011

Bad Blogger is Back with Seven Random Facts!

I have been the most terrible blogger of all time. I think I do have a pretty good excuse though. Raising three little ones so close in age takes up about 110% of my time. I wouldn't change a single part of it! (Well maybe hire a cook, nanny, and personal trainer??) The last time I blogged was November...since then the babies celebrated their first Thanksgiving and their first Christmas. Parker celebrated his second birthday. And we took our first trip to Disney as one big happy family. My blogger friend, Kate, tagged me in her post and asked me to play along. This was just the bait I needed to get back into blogging. So here goes:

1. Chris and I will be taking our first vacation away from all three kids in about a month. We will be going to celebrate the beautiful marriage of our friends Lauren and Todd in the Bahamas.

2. I might have slight obsession with strollers. Right now I have the Baby Jogger City Select, a Valco Twin TriMode with a Joey Seat, a Double Snap and Go, Maclaren Volo, Combi Twin Sport. I feel that strollers are like shoes, you different ones for different situations. You wouldn't go to the beach in a pair of heels, would you??

3. I have attempted to start the Two Peas - 12 Weeks to Better Photography course....oh about 5 times. Something always gets in the way, but I need to stop making excuses and make it through the course once and for all.

4. I would much rather buy my children clothes than myself. I need to get my booty to the gym STAT!! But I would need about 6 more hours in the day.

5. Bragging about my little man makes me happy. Parker is such an amazing little boy. His vocabulary is extraordinary and it makes me smile daily. Today he said, "My Mommy Special." Melts my heart. Last night he asked to watch the "Crunchy" (Country) music Elmo DVD. I would like to start posting the silly things he says so I don't forget.

6. I love my job! Not many people can say they don't mind waking up in the morning and going to work. Being a teacher has many benefits like winter break, spring break, and summer vacation, but those aren't the reasons I go to work everyday. Every day is completely different and entertaining.

7. I miss my husband. *sigh* Everyone tells you that a baby will change your life. Watching him with our kids makes me love him more and more. Seeing Parker's face light up when he gets home is amazing. But there are many days I wish I could just share a quick moment with him without someone crying or needing us for one reason or another. We both do our best do spend a few moments each day and as our little ones grow it gets a little easier. Just another reason I can't wait to be in the Bahamas in April!