Tuesday, May 17, 2011

9 months, are you for realz????

I can't believe that Mason and Audrey are NINE months old???!!!! The past nine months have gone faster than I ever imagined. With Parker, it seemed that I was waiting forever for him to hit new milestones, but now the milestones are coming faster than I can keep up with.

Mason: He continues to be one of the happiest babies in our family. He smiles at anyone and anything. He does not like going to bed. Poor Audrey has to listen to his sob story every single night. He is still wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 months clothes. I thought for sure he would be in 12 months by now. His growing has definitely slowed down a little bit. He isn't too crazy about eating, he must take after Parker. He recently starting pushing my hand away when I try to feed him. He is doing great at eating most table foods. The boy is cruising around our house like he owns it. I am sure he will walk before his first birthday, but I think we still have some time. He is also doing a lot babbling, still mostly DaDaDa. He has figured out how to turn on the Blu-Ray player and disrupt any show his brother is watching. Last week, he decided that Parker's peanut butter toast looked really yummy and decided to try it for breakfast. Overall, he is such a happy boy and keeps his Mommy on her toes at all times.

Audrey: The girl loves to eat!!!! She will literally eat anything you put on her tray. She cries when you feed Mason and gives you the stare down if you are eating and not feeding her. She can pick up food and get it into her mouth in seconds flat. It is truly an amazing sight. She is still wearing a size 3 diaper and 6-9 months clothes. She loves to babble also. I am hearing new constants all the time. She is also crawling!!!!! Yeah our low-muscle tone baby is doing great. She is the champion of going from belly to a sitting position. She is such an angel about going to sleep. I give her a paci and lay her down, then I never hear another peep until morning. Her naps still leave much left to be desired, but I won't complain. She loves to giggle at both of her brothers. It melts my heart every time I see her laughing at them. Audrey is such a sweet angel and is laid back about most things except her food.

They will go for their 9 month well visit on Friday and I will be sure to post their lastest stats!

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